Masala Bhangra, created by the dynamic fitness entrepreneur Sarina Jain, is an exuberant and culturally rich dance workout that fuses the energetic moves of Bhangra, a traditional Punjabi folk dance, with the infectious beats of Bollywood music.
Born out of Sarina's desire to promote a healthy lifestyle while celebrating her Indian heritage, Masala Bhangra has become a global fitness sensation, captivating enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds. By blending traditional dance elements with modern fitness techniques, Sarina Jain's innovative creation not only offers an invigorating cardiovascular workout but also serves as a joyous expression of cultural diversity and unity.
With each enthusiastic step and vibrant gesture, Masala Bhangra continues to inspire individuals to embrace the power of dance, fitness, and the beauty of cross-cultural harmony.
Date: Sunday 6th August 2023
Time: 8:45am - 5:00pm
Venue: Goodlife Health Club - Cheltenham
150 Tulip Street
Cheltenham VIC 3192
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